The vision behind START is to create a collaborative and multicultural innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem without barriers and borders.

Today, the migrant populations in Africa are going to play again a crucial role in the greatest game: the future of Europe.

The ability of designing new routes of economic resilience based on high-impact innovation is crucial to turn today’s potential into opportunities and prosperity. Africa will play an important role on our most pressing economic, social and environmental issues through fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, allowing new ideas to turn into real solutions for the region’s most critical problems.

This is the vision behind Startup Africa Roadtrip, an innovation platform providing critical entrepreneurial skills and connections to support the innovation wave across the larger Sub-Saharian area and attract and influence, capitalizing on its talents, fostering its disruptive capacity to solve real problems in an economically efficient and profitable model.


The goal of START is to support and drive cutting edge social innovation in developing countries, creating opportunities for entrepreneurial and startups ecosystem to grow locally and globally and contribute to generate self-sustaining virtuous circles

Entrepreneurship must be promoted and supported across the African continent to promote economic growth, boost job creation, and alleviate poverty on the continent. Innovative emerging companies are disruptive and are highly scalable businesses. They require professional services to add value to their vision, strategy and growth plans and ensure they are sustainable.

START is committed to collaboration, interaction and supporting the innovation and entrepreneurial industry and will continue to invest knowledge and talent to drive innovation and entrepreneurship to create growth in the local economy.

  • support and drive cutting edge social innovation by equipping local entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and tools to execute their ventures and creating the right condition for local talents to prosper in the long run;
  • nourish local entrepreneurial ideas to bridge the knowledge gap in high potential ecosystem throughout a structured learning process and ultimately generate opportunities and encourage entrepreneurial spirit to flourish;
  • bridging the gap between local and international stakeholder and connecting the isolated dots focusing on high impact initiatives.